Natural Remedies for Flu Symptoms


I’m writing this blog post from my bed on a gloomy, rainy (and dare I say, almost cold) Tuesday afternoon in Miami. No, I don’t have the day off; I have the beginnings of the flu. Given the situation I am in, I decided to share some of my favorite remedies for flu symptoms, which I swear by when I start feeling that tingle in the back of my throat. I will preface this by saying that I have a weakened immune system from the last two years of cancer treatments, and these methods are truly something that I’ve seen results with.

These are great, safe methods for fighting off an oncoming cold, but obviously if your temperature hits fever status, please see a doctor!

Ginger Shots

The second I start to feel sick, I run out to grab a few of these. Most natural juice shops carry them. My personal favorite is the Saca Lo Shot from Miami Juice conglomerate Jugo Fresh. Really ANY juice with ginger is good, but the shots get it over with quickly. You can also make these shots at home by juicing a few inches of fresh ginger, a bit of water, lemon juice and cayenne pepper. Trust me, it’s worth the burn!

Every Kind of Vitamin Ever

But especially Lysine, Zinc and Vitamin C. Although nothing can truly get rid of a virus, Lysine and Zinc help to minimize its effect on your body. We all know Vitamin C is important in cold prevention too, and other natural herbs like Echinacea help the body build its immunity back up.

Epsom Salt

Adding Epsom Salt to a bath helps to relax aching muscles and bodies. Some, like this one I found at Walgreen’s, even have added relaxants like lavender. Athletes use Epsom Salt to alleviate aching muscles, but it works just as well on feverish muscles. The steam from the warm tub also helps open up nasal passages for decongesting.

Fresh Pineapple

I learned this tasty trick from my mother – take a bite of juicy pineapple and let the juice slowly drip down your throat. Just like the ginger shot, this acidic fruit will help burn away the virus in your throat. This fruit also packs a ton of Vitamin C, which will help your body fight off flu symptoms.

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