The Truth about Vitamin D


There has been a lot of talk lately about the importance of Vitamin D. It is a vitamin that helps us maintain our bone strength and helps elevate your moods. These are two pretty important factors, so it is quite easy to see why there is so much discussion in regards to maintaining your vitamin D levels normal and even more so about how to get vitamin D.

For years we have heard that the best way to get vitamin D is through sun exposure. Yes, we all know that a little sun is very healthy for us. It elevates our mood, gets us out in the fresh air, and usually gets us involved in a little activity, which is a win-win all around. However, it can also be damaging to our skin, therefore sunbathing every day to get your daily dose of vitamin D may not be the best choice.

The best way to get vitamin D is through a good supplement. You should be taking somewhere between 600-2000 IU of vitamin D daily to support healthy bone maintenance and a happier mood. However this is based on no sun intake at all, therefore if you go outside daily for a walk, to take your child to the park or simply to water the flowers, you are already getting some of this very important vitamin., and therefore probably only need a pretty small dose of this super vitamin. The best way to know exactly how much vitamin D you truly need every day is by consulting your doctor.


You can also get vitamin D from foods that you eat such as fatty fish, liver, and red meats. Again, many of us tend to stay away from eating some of these vitamin-D-rich foods daily and therefore your best option may just be supplements. Eggs, cheeses and milk have moderate levels of the vitamin, which is great because those are foods that we do tend to eat daily.

Do keep in mind that it is not too common to be diffident in this vitamin. Most people have normal vitamin D levels, which means you truly only need to maintain those levels. Even people that are exposed to very little sun tend to have normal levels.

Staying healthy is very important to all of us and a big part of this is understanding our bodies and what they need to keep working at optimal levels. Discuss vitamin D with your doctor at your next yearly visit and be in the know as to your bone and mental health.

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