Captain Superlative 

Captain Superlative

I am always looking out for a great book my son and I can share. I find the time reading together is truly a wonderful opportunity to bond. It is a time for reflection, sharing, laughter, tears, and true connection. A good book can offer so much to. Parent and a child. Just recently, my son’s school created a book club. I of course signed him up immediately because to me reading is so important. The book chosen for the project was Captain Superlative, by JS Puller. I am so happy I read this book with my son! There are simply not enough words to explain how great of a story this is, and what an amazing lesson it shares with its readers.

About the book:

Captain Superlative, by JS Puller, is a story where courage knows no bounds and ordinary kids become extraordinary heroes! This beautiful story follows the journey of Janey, a sixth-grader who after losing her mother to cancer, decided it was best to become transparent. She welcomes being quiet, never standing out, and never being an individual. However, as fate will have it, she stumbles upon a mysterious masked crusader known as Captain Superlative, and finds herself immersed in a heartwarming tale friendship that teachers her empowerment, and to stand up for what’s right.

Why I love it:

 JS Puller weaves a captivating narrative that will keep readers on the edge of their seats, rooting for Janey and her newfound allies as they navigate the complexities of school life and unravel the secrets behind the enigmatic Captain Superlative. With its delightful blend of adventure, humor, and meaningful lessons, ‘Captain Superlative’ is a must-read for young readers and adults alike. It teaches the reader to stand up for what is right, to defend others, and to be different. It is a beautiful and absolutely inspiring tale that will give you and your child so much to talk about. 

I would recommend this to anyone looking for a great read! It will bring tears ti your eyes and inspire your child to take chances. Inspiring, emotional, and absolutely captivating. 

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